identity prevod sa engleskog na srpski online

identity | englesko - srpski rečnik



ETYM French identité, Late Lat. identitas, from Latin idem the same, from the root of is he, that; cf. Skr. idam this. Related to Item.
The distinct and recognizable nature of an individual, which results from a unique combination of characteristics and qualities. In philosophy, identity is the sameness of a person, which may c
ontinue in spite of changes in bodily appearance, personality, intellectual abilities, memory, and so on. In psychology, identity refers to one's conception of oneself and sense of continuous being, particularly as an individual distinguishable from, but interacting, with others.
1. The distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity; SYN. individuality.
2. Exact sameness; SYN. identicalness, indistinguishability.
3. Collective aspect of the set of characteristics by which a thing is recognizable or known.
4. An operator that leaves unchanged the element on which it operates; SYN. identity element, identity operator.

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ženski rod

Istovetnost; zakon identiteta, log. svaki pojam, svaki predmet jeste ono što jeste, znači ono što znači (A=A, čita se: A je A); filozofija ili sistem identiteta, filozofski pravac koji smatra da materija i duh, telesno i duševno, subjekat i objekat, mišljenje i biće nisu dve načelno različite stvari, nego identične, istovetne, samo dva različita načina pojavljivanja i shvatanja jedne jedinstvene supstancije (Spinoza, Šeling, Fehner i dr.). - Lenjin: "Svestrana , univerzalna elastičnost pojmova, elastičnost koja i + prikaži više


ženski rod
identity | englesko - srpski rečnik



In mathematics, a number or operation that leaves others unchanged when combined with them. Zero is the identity for addition; one is the identity for multiplication. For example, 7 + 0 = 7 7 x 1 = 7

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Mašinski prevod reči identity

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