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ETYM Old Eng. fischen, fisken, fissen, as. fiscian.
1. To catch fish or shellfish.
2. To seek indirectly; SYN. angle.

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1. A game for two players who try to assemble books of cards by asking the opponent for particular cards; SYN. go fish.
2. Any of various mostly cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates usually having scales and breathing through gills.
3. The flesh of fish used as food.
Aquatic vertebrate that uses gills to obtain oxygen from fresh or sea water. There are three main groups: the bony fishes or Osteichthyes (goldfish, cod, tuna); the cartilaginous fishes or Chondrichthyes (sharks, rays); and the jawless fishes or Agnatha (hagfishes, lampreys).
Fishes of some form are found in virtually every body of water in the world except for the very salty water of the Dead Sea and some of the hot larval springs. Of the 30,000 fish species, approximately 2,500 are freshwater.
The world’s largest fish is the whale shark Rhineodon typus, more than 20 m/66 ft long; the smallest is the dwarf pygmy goby Pandaka pygmaea), 7.5–9.9 mm long. The study of fishes is called ichthyology.
Fish as food
The nutrient composition of fish is similar to that of meat, except that there are no obvious deposits of fat. Examples of fish comparatively high in fat are salmon, mackerel, and herring. White fish such as cod, haddock, and whiting contain only 0.4–4% fat. Fish are good sources of B vitamins and iodine, and the fatty fish livers are good sources of A and D vitamins. Calcium can be obtained from fish with soft skeletons, such as sardines. Roe and caviar have a high protein content (20–25%).
Physical features
The typical fish is streamli
ned. The skin usually contains pigment cells (chromatophores), which enable the fish to change color to match its surroundings, and mucous glands, which aid osmotic regulation (water and salt balance) and help protect the skin from bacteria by coating it with a layer of mucus. In most species, protection against abrasion is provided by scales. Oxygen is obtained from the water which is pumped via the mouth to the gills. The efficiency of the gaseous exchange system is increased using a counter current system which ensures that the least fully oxygenated blood is opposite the most fully oxygenated water; at the same time, carbon dioxide is lost to the water. The gills are usually covered and are ventilated by movements of the mouth and operculum (gill cover). Periodically the direction of the water current is reversed to clear the gills of detritus, a “coughing reflex”.
The majority of fishes are predators, feeding on other fishes and invertebrates. Most of them swallow their prey whole, the teeth being used for grasping and orientating for swallowing. The form of the stomach varies enormously from the lampreys, which have virtually no stomach, to the perch which have well-defined stomachs. The fin system of fishes is designed to provide stability in swimming with minimum loss of maneuverability; it is activated by the muscles.
Smell is important in almost all species of fish, especially sharks. Many fishes show a well-developed sense of taste, with taste buds not only in their mouth cavities but also on other parts of their bodies. Several species have barbels, whiskerlike structures around the mouth covered with taste buds, which are used to search the substrate. Most fishes can see quite well and many shallow water fishes have color vision, but some deep sea fishes and cave fishes are blind. Nearly all fishes have a lateral line system consisting of a series of small canals with pit organs that detect pressure. This system, which is lost in higher vertebrates except for some amphibians, provides the fish with valuable information on water currents and pressure (depth). Some species have organs that produce an electrical field, which can be used to stun prey, inform the fish of changes in its environment, and for communication purposes.
Osmotic regulation
Marine fish live in a medium of greater concentration than their body fluids; this means that they tend to gain salts by diffusion and lose water by osmosis. To offset the loss by osmosis, they drink sea water, most of which their kidneys are able to retain—the salt is excreted, often through special cells in the gills. Freshwater fishes have the opposite problem and have relatively large kidneys to excrete the water entering their body by osmosis. To offset the loss of salts, freshwater fishes can obtain salts from their food; many also have salt-absorbing cells in their gills and mouths. They drink very little water and take in very little with their food. Several species, such as the salmon, travel between sea water and fresh water; they therefore have to spend a short period in brackish water to allow their bodies to adapt to the new conditions.

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(1808-1893) US public figure and diplomat. He held office in the US Senate 1851–57, by which time he had become a member of the Republican Party. As secretary of state under President Grant 1869–77, his office was marked by moderation in his pursuit of US claims against the UK in the Alabama case and in averting war with Spain over Cuba.
Fish was born in New York, US, and educated at Columbia University; he was admitted to the bar 1830. Active in Whig politics, he served as governor of New York 1849–50.

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