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A piece of land cleared of trees and usually enclosed.

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ženski rod

Ledina, livada, komad ravnog zemljišta, polje.



Ravna zemljišna površina.

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1. A location in a record in which a particular type of data is stored. For example, EMPLOYEE-RECORD might contain fields to store Last-Name, First-Name, Address, City, State, Zip-Code, Hire-Date, Current-Salary, Title, Department, and so on. Individual fields are characterized by their maximum length and the type of data (for example, alphabetic, numeric, or financial) that can be placed in them. The facility for creating these specifications usually is contained in the data definition language (DDL). In relational database management systems, fields are called columns.
2. A space in an on-screen form where the user can enter a specific item of information.
In computing, a specific item of data. A field is usually part of a record, which in turn is part of a file.
A data member of a class. Unless specified otherwise, a field is not static.

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1. Skup od jednog ili više karaktera, pri čemu svi ne moraju pripadati istoj reči - kji se tretira kao celina; skup od jedne ili više kolona bušene kartice koje se koriste za zapis sličnih informacija;
2. Određena oblast zapisa korišćena za psebnu kategoriju podata
3. Podaci sadržani u dva ili više susdenih magnetnih jezgara koji se smatraju jednom jedinicom; najvećavrednost pozicije označava se sa bit-indikatorom.
4. Prostor rezervisan za upisivanje određenih podataka u programu za rad sa bazama podataka. Prazan prostor u polju za unos podataka. Polja mogu da sadrže ime, adresu, telefonski broj, starost, matični broj, pol, poštanski broj ili bilo šta drugo što poželite, sve dok sve stavke u jednom polju imaju sličnu strukturu. Grupa međusobno povezanih polja čini zapis baze podataka.
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field | englesko - srpski rečnik



Enclosed area of land used for farming. Traditionally fields were measured in acres; the current unit of measurement is the hectare (2.47 acres). In the Middle Ages, the farmland of an English rural community was often divided into three large fields (the open-field system). These were worked on a simple rotation basis of one year wheat, one year barley, and one year fallow. The fields were divided into individually owned strips of the width that one plow team with oxen could plow (about 20 m/66 ft). At the end of each strip would be a turning space, either a road or a headland. Through repeated plowing a ridge-and-furrow pattern became evident. A farmer worked a number of strips, not necessarily adjacent to each other, in one field. The open-field communities were subsequently reorganized, the land enclosed, and the farmers' holdings redistributed into individual blocks which were then divided into separate fields. This enclosure process reached its peak during the 18th century. 20th-century developments in agricultural science and technology have encouraged farmers to amalgamate and enlarge their fields, often to as much as 40 hectares/100 acres.
The open field system was also found in France, Germany, Greece, and Slavonic lands.

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ETYM Old Eng. feld, fild, AS. feld; akin to Dutch veld, German feld, Swed. fält, Dan. felt, Icel. fold field of grass, AS. folde earth, land, ground, OS. folda.
1. A geographic region (land or sea) under which something valuable is found.
2. Somewhere (away from a
studio or office or library or laboratory) where practical work is done or data is collected.
3. The area that is visible through an optical instrument; SYN. field of view.
4. The space around a body within which it can exert force on another similar body not in contact with it; SYN. field of force, force field.
5. A particular kind of commercial enterprise; SYN. field of operation, line of business.
6. All the competitors in a particular contest or sporting event.
7. (Horse racing) All of the horses in a particular race.

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nemački · francuski


ženski rod

Područje, zona.

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A region in which military operations are in progress.

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nemački · francuski


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In physics, a region of space in which an object exerts a force on another separate object because of certain properties they both possess. For example, there is a force of attraction between any two objects that have mass when one is in the gravitational field of the other.
Other fields of force include electric fields (caused by electric charges) and magnetic fields (caused by magnetic poles), either of which can involve attractive or repulsive forces.

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nemački · francuski

linijsko polje

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Of or relating to a field: as growing in or inhabiting the fields or open country; made, conducted, or used in the field; operating or active in the field.

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nemački · francuski

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ženski rodlično ime

(1946-) US film and television actress. She won an Academy Award for Norma Rae 1979 and again for Places in the Heart 1984. Her other films include Hooper 1978, Absence of Malice 1981, and Murphy’s Romance 1985.
Prior to her movie career, she first became known as TV’s Flying Nun, a role she played for several years.

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nemački · francuski

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muški rodlično ime

(1782-1837) Irish-born composer and pianist. Often regarded as one of a group of composers known as the London Pianoforte School, all of his works include the piano, reaching their peak artistically with his nocturnes, a genre he named and devised. These anticipate Chopin's nocturnes by 20 years, especially regarding their forward-looking textures and passage work.
As an apprentice to Muzio Clementi, he traveled throughout Europe demonstrating instruments for the firm of piano makers established by his master. He settled in St Petersburg 1803, where he composed most of his mature music.

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nemački · francuski

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muški rodlično ime

(1929-) US theoretical astrophysicist whose main research has been into the nature and composition of intergalactic matter and the properties of residual radiation in space.
Field was born in Providence, Rhode Island, and educated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Princeton University. He became professor at the Unive
rsity of California at Berkeley 1965 and at Harvard University 1972; from 1973 he was also director of the Center of Astrophysics at the Harvard College Observatory and the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.
One of Field's major areas of research has been to investigate why a cluster of galaxies remains a cluster rather than dispersing. They are thought to be stabilized gravitationally by intergalactic matter, mainly hydrogen and helium. By studying part of the spectrum of the radio source Cygnus A, Field found in 1958 some evidence of atomic hydrogen distributed intergalactically.
Field has also carried out research into the lines in the spectra of stars.

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nemački · francuski

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A set of elements such that addition and multiplication are commutative and associative and multiplication is distributive over addition and there are two elements 0 and 1.

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1. To answer adequately or successfully.
2. To catch or pick up (balls) in baseball or cricket.
3. To play as a fielder, in baseball or cricket.

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fall due | fault | faulty | fealty | fellate | felt | fillet | flat | fleet | flit | flite | float | flood | flout | fluid | flute | flyte | fold | foliate

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