doublet prevod sa engleskog na srpski online

doublet | englesko - srpski rečnik



1. Something consisting of two identical or similar part
2. One of a pair; specifically; one of two or more words (as guard and ward) in the same language derived by different routes of transmission from the same source

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nemački · francuski


muški rod

1. Dva primerka iste stvari u nekoj zbirci;
2. Lažan dragi kamen, dvostruki kamen od kristala između čijih pola leži jedna folija;
3. Vrsta karanfila čija je glavna b
oja prevučena dugim prugama druge boje;
4. gram. Reči istog korena, istovetne po značenju a vrlo malo različne po glasovnom sklopu, npr.: čuliti - ćuliti (uši), muha - muva, dovoziti - dovažati itd.
5. muz. Orguljski registar, za oktavu viši od principala.
6. lov. napraviti dublet, iz dvocevke dve zverke oboriti neposredno jednu za drugom.
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muški rod

Dvoje, momak i devojka.

doublet | englesko - srpski rečnik



ETYM Old Fren. doublet, French doublet, dim. of double double. Related to Double.
Close-fitting jacket, with or without sleeves, worn by men. Derived from the gipon, which was a tight-fitting jacket wit
h long sleeves and buttons down the front, the doublet formed part of everyday dress from the mid-15th century. In the 16th century, as fashions changed, the doublet was worn long to the knees, but with a parting at the front to reveal the codpiece. During the 18th century the length of the doublet shrank and it eventually evolved into the waistcoat.
A man's close-fitting jacket; worn during the Renaissance.

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nemački · francuski

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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, vojska
ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, životinja