Beadle prevod sa engleskog na srpski online

beadle | englesko - srpski rečnik



ETYM Old Eng. bedel, bidel, budel, Old Fren. bedel, French bedeau, from Old High Germ. butil, putil, German büttel, from Old High Germ. biotan, German bieten, to bid, confused with AS. bydel, the same word as Old High Germ. butil. See. Bid.
1. A minor parish official who serves as an usher and preserves order at services.
2. Church caretaker or ushermace-bearing official of an institution.
3. Officer of parish, church, court, etc., for keeping order; mace-bearer.

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Beadle · George Beadle · George Wells Beadle
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nemački · francuski

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muški rod


muški rod

Prvobitno: naoružani sluga i pratilac hrvatskih i slavonskih plemića u XVII i XVIII veku; vojnik pešak iz južne Mađarske; kod nas: opštinski stražar, služitelj; fig. prost i neotesan čovek, bezobraznik. (lat.)


muški rod


Beadle | englesko - srpski rečnik


muški rodlično ime

(1903-1989) US biologist. In 1958 he shared a Nobel Prize with Edward L Tatum and Joshua Lederberg for his work in biochemical genetics, forming the “one-gene–one-enzyme” hypothesis (a single gene codes for a single kind of enzyme).
Beadle was born in Wahoo, Nebraska. In 1931, he went to the California Institute of Technology, where he researched into the genetics of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. From
1937 to 1946 he was professor at Stanford University, California, and it was during this period that he collaborated with Tatum.
Earlier, Beadle had shown that the eye color of Drosophila is a result of a series of chemical reactions under genetic control. At Stanford, he used the red bread mold Neurospora crassa, which is a simpler organism than Drosophila. He subjected colonies of Neurospora to X-rays and studied the changes in the nutritional requirements of, and therefore enzymes formed by, the mutant Neurospora produced by the irradiation. By repeating the experiment with various mutant strains and culture mediums, Beadle and Tatum deduced that the formation of each individual enzyme is controlled by a single, specific gene. This concept found wide applications in biology and virtually created the science of biochemical genetics.

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nemački · francuski

Reč dana 08.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
ženski rod, hemija
imenica, gramatika
muški rod, hemija