baccalaureate prevod sa engleskog na srpski online

baccalaureate | englesko - srpski rečnik



ETYM New Lat. baccalaureatus, from Late Lat. baccalaureus a bachelor of arts, from baccalarius, but as if from Latin bacca lauri bayberry, from the practice of the bachelor's wearing a garland of bayberries. Related to Bachelor.
1. A farewell sermon to a gradu
ating class at their commencement ceremonies.
2. The university entrance exam administered at the end of high school, in France.
Degree of Bachelor.
Or bachelor's degree; In the US, a degree awarded by a university to a person who has completed undergraduate studies. In France, it is the examination and certification equivalent to a high school diploma, which qualifies a person for university entrance, as well as vocational options. It is also available in 52 countries as the international baccalaureate (IB).

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muški rod

Dostojanstvo bakalaureusa.
1. Nekada najniži akademski stepen (sada samo u Engleskoj).
2. Velika matura, ispit zrelosti u nekim zemljama.
3. Onaj koji je dobio taj stepen, tj. najnižu akademsku titulu.


ženski rod

Povelja, naročito ona koojm se daju dostojanstva, slobode, povlastice, prava itd.; povelja o imenovanju, postavljenju, oslobođenju ili pomilovanju; povelja kojom se ukazuje počast, odlikovanje; svedodžba o položenom ispitu, naročito na visokim školama.

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