anion prevod sa engleskog na srpski online

anion | englesko - srpski rečnik



ETYM Greek, to go up; ani up + bainein to go.
A negatively charged ion (Cl-, NO3-, S2- etc.).
Positively or positively charged ion.
Ion carrying a negative charge. During electrolysis
, anions in the electrolyte move toward the anode (positive electrode).
An electrolyte, such as the salt zinc chloride (ZnCl2), is dissociated in aqueous solution or in the molten state into doubly charged Zn2+ zinc cations and singly-charged Cl- anions. During electrolysis, the zinc cations flow to the cathode (to become discharged and liberate zinc metal) and the chloride anions flow to the anode.

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Negativno naelektrisana čestica, anjon.

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