Mott prevod sa engleskog na srpski online

Mott | englesko - srpski rečnik


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(1905-) English physicist who researched the electronic properties of metals, semiconductors, and noncrystalline materials. He shared the Nobel Prize for Physics 1977.
Mott was born in Leeds and studied at Cambridge. He was at Bristol 1933–54, first as professor of theoretical physics and then as
director of the Henry Herbert Wills Physical Laboratories. From 1954 to 1971, he was professor at Cambridge.
Mott initially studied dislocations and other defects in crystalline structure. He was the first to put forward a comprehensive theory of the process involved when a photographic film is exposed to light.
Mott and his colleagues discovered special electrical characteristics in glassy semiconductors and laid down fundamental laws of behavior for their materials. As a result of this work, more efficient photovoltaic cells can now be produced, and the memory capacity of computers increased.

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Britanski fizičar (1905-1996), bio je jedan od dobitnika Nobelove nagrade za fiziku 1977. godine za doprinos razumevanju ponašanja elektrona u magnetskim nekristalnim čvrstim materijalima. Posle odlaska u penziju napisao je autobiografiju "Život u nauci", a sa grupom autora religiozno-naučnu knjigu "Mogu li naučnici da veruju?"

Mott | englesko - srpski rečnik


ženski rodlično ime

Lucretia 1793-1880 Coffin American social reformer

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Mott | englesko - srpski rečnik



City in North Dakota (USA).

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