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A version of the UNIX System V Release 3.0 kernel developed for PCs with 80386 and higher-level microprocessors. Developed by Linus Torvalds (for whom it is named) along with numerous collaborators worldwide, Linux is distributed free, and its source code is open to modification by anyone who chooses to work on it, although some companies distribute it as part of a commercial package with Linux-compatible utilities. The Linux kernel works with the GNU utilities developed by the Free Software Foundation, which did not produce a kernel. It is used by some as an operating system for network servers and in the 1998/1999 timeframe began to gain increased visibility through support from vendors such as IBM and Compaq. See also free software, GNU, kernel, UNIX.

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muški rodračunari

Server koji je veoma bliska kopija Juniksa. Napisao ga je Linus Torvalds. Linuks radi na većini PC računara, omogućavajući ljudima koji ne mogu sebi da dozvole pravi Juniks da se ipak oprobaju sa njim.
Besplatni operativni sistem, verzija Juniksa prerađena za personalne račuanare.

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