Kerr prevod sa engleskog na srpski

Kerr | englesko - srpski prevod


ženski rodlično ime

(1921-) Scottish actress. She often played genteel, ladylike roles. Her performance in British films such as Major Barbara 1940 and Black Narcissus 1946 led to starring parts in Hollywood: Quo Vadis 1951, From Here to Eternity 1953, and The King and I 1956. She retired 1969, but made a comeback with The Assam Garden 1985.


ženski rodlično ime

Bivša američka glumica.

Kerr | englesko - srpski prevod


muški rodlično ime

(1914-1990) Australian lawyer who as governor-general 1974–77 controversially dismissed the prime minister, Gough Whitlam, and his government 1975.

Kerr | englesko - srpski prevod


muški rodlično ime

(1824-1907) Scottish physicist who discovered the Kerr effect, which produces double refraction in certain media on the application of an electric field.
Kerr was born in Ardrossan, Ayrshire, and studied at Glasgow. He was lecturer in mathematics at the Free Church Training College for Teachers, Glasgow, 1857–1901, and set up a modest laboratory there.
In 1875 Kerr demonstrated that double refraction occurs in glass and
other insulators when subjected to an intense electric field. The effect was strongest, he found, when the plane of polarization was 45ş to the field, and zero when perpendicular or parallel. Kerr extended the work to other materials, and constructed cells in which he could study liquids such as carbon disulfide and paraffin oil. He showed that the extent of the effect, more precisely called the electro-optical Kerr effect, is proportional to the square of the field strength.
In 1876 he demonstrated what is now known as the magneto-optical Kerr effect. A beam of plane-polarized light was reflected from the polished pole of an electromagnet. When the magnet was switched on, the beam became elliptically polarized. The effect depended on the position of the reflecting surface with respect to the direction of magnetization and to the plane of incidence of the light.

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