Cody prevod sa engleskog na srpski online

Cody | englesko - srpski rečnik


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(William Frederick) “Buffalo Bill” (1846-1917)
US scout and performer. From 1883 he toured the US and Europe with a Wild West show which featured the recreation of Indian a
ttacks and, for a time, the cast included Chief Sitting Bull as well as Annie Oakley. His nickname derives from a time when he had a contract to supply buffalo carcasses to railroad laborers (over 4,000 in 18 months).
He was a heavy drinker and a trusting investor; he died in poverty after seeing his exploits recounted and exaggerated in novels of the West.

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Bufalo Bil

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Američki skaut i šoumen, Vilijam Frederik Kodi.

Cody | englesko - srpski rečnik



1. City in Wyoming (USA); zip code 82414.
2. Village in Nebraska (USA); zip code 69211.
Resort town in NW Wyoming, US, on the Shoshone River, situated at the entrance to Yellowstone National Park; It was founded by William F Cody (“Buffalo Bill”) 1901. There is a Museum of the Old West and a “Buffalo Bill” Historical Center.

Buffalo Bill · Buffalo Bill Cody · Cody · William F. Cody · William Frederick Cody

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