CUA prevod sa engleskog na srpski online

CUA | englesko - srpski rečnik



See Common User Access.
(abbreviation for common user access) Standard designed by Microsoft to ensure that identical actions, such as saving a file
or accessing help, can be carried out using the same keystrokes in any piece of software. For example, in programs written to the CUA standard, help is always summoned by pressing the F1 function key. New programs should be easier to use because users will not have to learn new commands to perform standard tasks.

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standardni korisnički pristup

muški rodračunari

Skup smernica koje je razvio IBM kako bi obezbedio standardni korisnički interfejs za računarske programe.

Još sličnih reči

C | C++ | Ca | caw | cay | Co | COI | cow | coo | coua | coue | cowy | coy | Cu | cue

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