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(1880-1959) Swiss-born US composer. Among his works are the lyrical drama Macbeth 1910, Schelomo for cello and orchestra 1916, five string quartets, and Suite Hébraique for viola and orchestra 1953. He often used themes based on Jewish liturgical music and folk song.
Born in Geneva, Switzerland, he went to the US 1916 and became founder-director of the Cleveland Institute of Music 1920–25.

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Američki muzičar.

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(1886-1944) French historian, leading member of the Annales school. Most of his research was into medieval European history. He held that economic structures and systems of belief were just as important to the study of history as legal norms and institutional practices, and pioneered the use of comparative history.
Bloch was professor of economic history at the Sorbonne from 1936, Forced out of teaching during World War II, he joined the Resistance 1943 but was captured and shot by German soldiers 1944.
Bloch explored the relationship between freedom and servitude in his thesis Kings and Serfs 1920 and Feudal Society 1939–40.

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(1912-) German-born US chemist whose research concerned cholesterol. Making use of the radioisotope carbon-14 (the radioactive form of carbon), Bloch was able to follow the complex steps by which the body chemically transforms acetic acid into cholesterol. He shared the 1964 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine with his collaborator in Germany, Feodor Lynen.
Bloch was born in Neisse (now Nysa, Poland) and graduated as a chemical engineer from Munich Technische Hochschule; he emigrated to the US 1936 and studied biochemistry at Columbia University. In 1954 he became a professor at Harvard.
Bloch demonstrated that carbon atoms of carbon-labeled acetate (ethanoate) fed to rats was incorporated into cholesterol in the animals' livers. Using acetic acid (ethanoic acid) labeled with deuterium he showed for the first time that this acid, a compound having only two carbon atoms, is the major precursor of cholesterol. This discovery was the first of a long series that elucidated the biological synthesis of the steroid.

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(1905-1983) Swiss-US physicist who invented the analytical technique of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy 1946. For this work he shared the Nobel Prize for Physics 1952 with US physicist Edward Purcell (1912– ).
He was born in Zürich and was professor of physics at Stanford University, US, 1934–71.

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