BBS prevod sa engleskog na srpski online

BBS | englesko - srpski rečnik



Bulletin Board System
1. Acronym for bulletin board system. A computer system equipped with one or more modems or other means of network access that serves as an information and message-passing center for remote users. Often BBSs are focused on special interests, such as science fiction, movies, Windows software, or Macintosh systems, and can have free or fee-bas
ed access, or a combination. Users dial into a BBS with their modems and post messages to other BBS users in special areas devoted to a particular topic, in a manner reminiscent of the posting of notes on a cork bulletin board. Many BBSs also allow users to chat online with other users, send e-mail, download and upload files that include freeware and shareware software, and access the Internet. Many software and hardware companies run proprietary BBSs for customers that include sales information, technical support, and software upgrades and patches. 2. Acronym for be back soon. A shorthand expression often seen in Internet discussion groups by a participant leaving the group who wishes to bid a temporary farewell to the rest of the group.

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Engleska informaciona mreža.
Akronim za sistem oglasne table., računarski sistem koji omogućava ljudima da se telefonski povežu sa računarom i
kopiraju datoteke, ostavljaju poruke i razmenjuju podatke. Većinom BBS-ova upravljaju privatnici, mada mnoge vodeće programerske kuće i proizvođači imaju sopstvene BBS-ove za korisnike kojima je potrebna tehnička pomoć ili inovirane verzije. Za ovu vrstu razmene podataka BBS-ove danas potiskuje Veb. + prikaži više

Još sličnih reči

baas | Baez | baize | base | base 16 | base 2 | base 8 | biz | bass | basse | bassi | basso | baze | beaus | beisa | bias | BIOS | bis | bise | bow saw | bowse | boosa | boosy | booza | booze | boozy | bosey | boss | bossy | bouse | boza | bozo | BS | BSI | bus | buss | bussu | busy | buz | buzz | buzzy

Reč dana 08.09.2024.

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