sunspot prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

sunspot | englesko - nemački rečnik



A cooler darker spot appearing periodically on the surface of the sun; associated with a strong magnetic field; SYN. macula.
Dark patch on the surface of the Sun, actually an area of cooler gas, thought to be caused by strong magnetic fields that block the outward flow o
f heat to the Sun’s surface. Sunspots consist of a dark central umbra, about 4,000K (3,700şC/6,700şF), and a lighter surrounding penumbra, about 5,500K (5,200şC/9,400şF). They last from several days to over a month, ranging in size from 2,000 km/1,250 mi to groups stretching for over 100,000 km/62,000 mi.
Sunspots are more common during active periods in the Sun's magnetic cycle, when they are sometimes accompanied by nearby flares. The number of sunspots visible at a given time varies from none to over 100 in a cycle averaging 11 years.

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Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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