Sargent prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

Sargent | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(1856-1925) US portrait painter. Born in Florence of American parents, he studied there and in Paris, then settled in London around 1885. He was a fashionable and prolific painter.
Sargent left Paris after a scandal concerning his mildly erotic portrait Madame Gautreau 1884 (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York). Later subjects included the actress Ellen Terry, President Theodore Roosevelt, and the writer Robert Louis Stevenson. He also painted watercolor landscapes and murals.

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John Singer, amerik. Maler, Florenz 12.1.1856, +London 15.4.1925, galt als der bedeutendste amerik. Porträtist seiner Zeit, Schüler von Carolus-Duran in Paris, tätig ebd. bis 1884, seitdem in London, häufig in den USA. S. ist von den frz. Impressionisten beeinflußt worden, an älterer Kunst studierte er bes. Velázquez. Beispiele: 'Bildnis Henry Marquand' (1897, New York, Metropolitan Museum). 'Ellen Terry als Lady Macbeth' (London, Tate Gallery). 'La Carmencita' (1890, Paris, Musée National d'Art Moderne). Wandmalereien in Boston, Public Library (1894/1895). + prikaži više

Sargent | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(Harold) (Watts) (1895-1967) English conductor. He was professor at the Royal College of Music from 1923, chief conductor of the BBC Symphony Orchestra 1950–57, and continued as conductor in chief of the annual Henry Wood promenade concerts at the Royal Albert Hall.
He championed Vaughan Williams and Holst and conducted the first performances of Walton’s oratorio Belshazzar’s Feast 1931 and opera Troilus and Cressida 1954.

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