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(1857-1932) British physician and bacteriologist, born in India. From 1881 to 1899 he served in the Indian Medical Service, and during 1895–98 identified mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles as being responsible for the spread of malaria. Nobel Prize 1902.
Ross studied at St Bartholomew's Hospital in London. On retiring from the Indian Medical Service in 1899, he returned to Britain, eventuall
y becoming professor of tropical medicine at Liverpool. During World War I he was consultant on malaria to the War Office, and when the Ross Institute of Tropical Diseases was opened 1926, he became its first director.
While on leave in England in 1894, Ross became acquainted with Scottish physician Patrick Manson, who suggested that malaria was spread by a mosquito. Returning to India, Ross collected mosquitoes, identifying the various species and dissecting their internal organs. In 1897 he discovered in an Anopheles mosquito a cyst containing the parasites that had been found in the blood of malarial patients.
Later, using caged birds with bird malaria, Ross was able to study the entire life history of the parasite inside a mosquito, and the mode of transmission to the victim.

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Sir Ronald, 1857, 1932, brit. Physiologe; erkannte die Anophelesmücke als Überträger des Malariaerregers; Nobelpreis für Medizin 1902.

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(1800-1862) English explorer who discovered the north magnetic pole 1831. He also went to the Antarctic 1839; Ross Island, Ross Sea, and Ross Dependency are named for him.


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Sir James Clark, Neffe von 2), 1800, 1862, brit. Polarforscher; entdeckte 1839–43 die nach ihm ben. R.-Barriere u. das R.-Meer, eine Bucht des Pazif. Südpolarmeers, an der antarkt. Küste.

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(1752-1836) American seamstress remembered as the maker of the first US flag. According to popular legend, she was approached 1776 by family acquaintance George Washington to create an official flag for the new nation. Despite little historical substantiation, it is believed by many that the familiar red and white stripes with white stars on a field of blue was Ross's original concept.
Born in Philadelphia to a devout Quaker family, Ross was born Elizabeth Griscom and married upholsterer John Ross 1773. When he died 1776, she took over his business. Becoming famous after the war, she continued in the upholstery business until her retirement 1827.

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Pen name of Violet Florence Martin, Irish novelist.

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1. City in North Dakota (USA); zip code 58776.
2. City in Texas (USA).
3. Town in California (USA).
4. Unincorporated community in Ohio (USA).

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Reč dana 08.09.2024.

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