right ascension prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

right ascension | englesko - nemački rečnik

right ascension


1. An arc of the celestial equator eastward from the vernal equinox.
2. (Astronomy) The angular distance eastward along the celestial equator from the vernal equinox to the intersection of the
hour circle that passes through the body; expressed in hours and minutes and second.
In astronomy, the coordinate on the celestial sphere that corresponds to longitude on the surface of the Earth. It is measured in hours, minutes, and seconds eastward from the point where the Sun’s path, the ecliptic, once a year intersects the celestial equator; this point is called the vernal equinox.

+ prikaži više
RA · celestial longitude


ženski rod

Abk. AR, eine der Bestimmungsgrößen eines Sternorts im System des Himmelsäquators; wird vom Frühlingspunkt nach O gezählt (0–360 [s] oder 0–24h).

Reč dana 21.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, vojska
ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, životinja