quota prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

quota | englesko - nemački rečnik



ETYM Late Lat., from Latin quota (sc. pars), from quotus which or what in number, of what number, how many, from quot how many, akin to quis, qui, who: cf. Italian quota a share. Related to Who.
1. A limitation.
2. A prescribed number.
3. A proportional share assigned to each participant.
Due share; amount allowed to be imported from a certain country.
In internation
al trade, a limitation on the amount of a commodity that may be exported, imported, or produced. Restrictions may be imposed forcibly or voluntarily.
The justification of quotas include protection of a home industry from an influx of cheap goods, prevention of a heavy outflow of goods (usually raw materials) because there are insufficient numbers to meet domestic demand, allowance for a new industry to develop before it is exposed to competition, or prevention of a decline in the world price of a particular commodity.
The European Union's Common Agricultural Policy has introduced quotas to limit the production of milk because rising herd yields and a trend toward a healthier low-fat diet have led to overproduction. Dairy farmers will not be paid for any milk produced above a set limit.

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1. Das Zitieren von Textpassagen aus anderen Mitteilungen.
2. Ein in FTP-Klienten üblicher Befehl, um direkt Befehle an einen FTP-Server abzusetzen.
Ein Zitat - meistens
als ein Bezug auf einen bestimmten Textteil einer Original-E-Mail oder eines Beitrags in einem Diskussionsforum (Newsgroup), auf den man antwortet. Ein solches Zitat erkennt man sehr oft an einem ">" am Anfang der Zeile. Manche E-Mail-Programme verfügen über eine Quote-Funktion, die dieses Zeichen automatisch in eine Antwortmail einbindet.
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