quartz prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

quartz | englesko - nemački rečnik



ETYM German quarz.
Crystalline form of silica SiO2, one of the most abundant minerals of the Earth’s crust (12% by volume). Quartz occurs in many different kinds of rock, including sandstone and granite. It ranks 7 on the Mohs’ scale of hardness and is resistant to chemical or mechanical breakdown. Quartzes vary according to the size and purity of their crystals. Crystals of pure quart
z are coarse, colorless, and transparent, and this form is usually called rock crystal. Impure colored varieties, often used as gemstones, include agate, citrine quartz, and amethyst. Quartz is used in ornamental work and industry, where its reaction to electricity makes it valuable in electronic instruments (see piezoelectric effect). Quartz can also be made synthetically.
Crystals that would take millions of years to form naturally can now be “grown” in pressure vessels to a standard that allows them to be used in optical and scientific instruments and in electronics, such as quartz wristwatches.
A hard glossy mineral consisting of silicon dioxide in crystal form; present in most rocks (especially sandstone and granite); yellow sand is quartz with iron oxide impurities.

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In zahlr. Gesteinsarten als Hauptgemengteil vorkommendes Mineral, aus kristallisiertem wasserfreiem Siliciumdioxid (Si02); besteht bei freiem Wachstum aus 6seitigen regelmäßigen Prismen mit aufgesetzten gleichmäßigen Pyramiden. Es findet hpts. Verwendung zur Herstellung von Glas (reiner Q.sand) u. Porzellan u. in der Funk- u. Meßtechnik wegen seiner piezoelektr. Eigenschaften. Von techn. Bed. für die Keramik sind bes. die Quarzite (Gesteine aus Q.). – Varietäten des Q. sind (oft als Schmucksteine geschätzt): der violette Amethyst, der Aventurin, der wasserklare Bergkristall, der gelbe Zitrin, der apfelgrüne Chrysopras, der schwarze Morion, der lauchgrüne Prasem, der braune Rauch-Q. (Rauchtopas), der rosenrote Rosen-Q., der bläul. Saphir-Q., ferner Eisenkiesel, Feuerstein, Jaspis, Opal (amorphes Siliciumdioxid mit Wassergehalt). + prikaži više

Quartz | englesko - nemački rečnik



The 2-D drawing engine that forms the imaging foundation of the Mac OS X Aqua interface. The Quartz graphics application programming interface (API) is based on Adobe’s Portable Document Format (PDF) standard.

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