Narcissus prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

Narcissus | englesko - nemački rečnik


muški rodmitologija

(Greek mythology) A beautiful young man who fell in love with his own reflection.
In Greek mythology, a beautiful youth who rejected the love of the nymph Echo and was condemned to fall in love with his own reflection in a pool. He pined away and in the place where he died a flower sprang up that was named after him.

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narcissus | englesko - nemački rečnik


imenicagpl narcissibot

ETYM Latin narcissus, and (personified) Narcissus, Greek narkissos, Narkissos, from narkh torpor, in allusion to the narcotic properties of the flower. Related to Narcotic.
Bulbous plant having erect linear leaves and showy yellow or white flowers either solitary or in clusters.
Any bulbous plant of the genus Narcissus, family Amaryllidaceae. Species include the daffodil, jonquil, and narcissus. All have flowers with a cup projecting from the center.

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ženski rodgramatikabotanika

Feenlilie, Narcissus, Gatt. der Amaryllisgewächse; in Mitteleuropa u. im Mittelmeergebiet heimisch; Zwiebelgewächse mit linealischen Blättern u. weißen oder gelben Blüten. In Dtld. kommt stellenweise die gelbblühende Trompeten-N. (Osterblume, Osterglocke) vor, die aber auch als Zierpflanze kultiviert wird.
(Nacissus)mit rd. 20 Arten in Mittel- und S-Europa heim. Gattung der Amaryllisgewächse, Zwiebelpflanzen mit großen Blüten, beliebte Zierpflanzen und Schnittblumen.
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