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ETYM French musc, Latin muscus, Per. musk, from Skr. mushka testicle, orig., a little mouse. Related to Mouse, and cd. Abelmosk, Muscadel, Muscovy duck, Nutmeg.
In botany, perennial plant Mim
ulus moschatus of the family Scrophulariaceae; its small oblong leaves exude the musky scent from which it takes its name; it is also called monkey flower. Also any of several plants with a musky odor, including the musk mallow Malva moschata and the musk rose Rosa moschata.
1. An odorous glandular secretion from the male musk deer; used as a perfume fixative.
2. The scent of musk.

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muški rod

(pers.-griech.)Sekret v.a. aus dem M.beutel der Moschushirsche, das den Duftstoff Muskon enthält, der für die Parfümherstellung von (abnehmender) Bedeutung ist.

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