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metamorphosis | englesko - nemački rečnik



ETYM Latin, from Greek, to be transformed; meta beyond, over + morph form.
Period during the life cycle of many invertebrates, most amphibians, and some fish, during which the individual's body changes from one form to another through a major reconstitution of its tissues. For example, adult frogs are
produced by metamorphosis from tadpoles, and butterflies are produced from caterpillars following metamorphosis within a pupa.
In classical thought and literature, metamorphosis is the transformation of a living being into another shape, either living or inanimate (for example Niobe). The Roman poet Ovid wrote about this theme.
1. A complete change of physical form or substance especially as by magic or witchcraft.
2. A striking change in appearance or character or circumstances.
3. The marked and rapid transformation of a larva into an adult that occurs in some animals; SYN. metabolism.

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ETYM. griech.
1. Allg. Ver- oder Umwandlung, Änderung der Gestalt oder des Zustands.
2. Reifung eines Tieres über Larvenstationen, z.B. eines Schm
etterlings aus Ei, Raupe und Puppe.
3. Gesteinsumwandlung innerhalb der Erdkruste durch Druck- und Temperaturänderungen (Auskühlung oder Aufschmelzung), oft verbunden mit einer Durchsetzung mit Gasen und chem. Lösungen, die mitverantwortl. sind für Gefüge- und/oder Mineralveränderungen der metamorph. Gesteine.
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(Liturgie) Konsekration, Teil der kath. Messe.

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metamorphosis | englesko - nemački rečnik



In mythology, a transformation from one shape to another, animate or inanimate, almost inevitably through the intervention of a god. The Roman poet Ovid composed his Metamorphoses on this theme.
In classical
mythology, metamorphosis often occurs as a result of an erotic intrigue; as the god may change shape to approach a lover (Zeus becomes a swan, a bull, or a shower of gold), so the object of desire may also be transformed (Daphne becomes a laurel tree in order to escape from Apollo). In many cultures, the symbolic or totemic association of animals with gods may be represented in mythical narratives as a form of metamorphosis.

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