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St (316-400) Bishop of Tours, France, from about 371, and founder of the first monastery in Gaul. He is usually represented as tearing his cloak to share it with a beggar. His feast day is Martinmas, 11 Nov.


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(1890-1974) Swiss composer, pianist, and harpsichordist. His works are characterized by delicate coloring in instrumentation and an expressive quality combined in later works with a loosely interpreted twelve-tone system. Composing for both large- and small-scale forces, from orchestra to chamber music, his best known works are the operas Der Sturm/The Tempest 1956 and Monsieur de Pourceaugnac 1962.

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Frank, 1890, 1974, schweiz. Komponist; kam über impressionist. Werke zur Zwölftontechnik.

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(1910-) British biochemist who received the 1952 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for work with Richard Synge on paper chromatography in 1944.
Martin was born in London and studied at Cambridge. He has held both commercial and academic research posts; he worked at the Wool Industries Research Association in Leeds 1938–46, at the National Institute for Medical Research 1952–59, was director of the A
bbotsbury Laboratory 1959–70, and taught at the University of Sussex 1973–78.
Martin and Synge began in 1941 the development of partition chromatography for separating the components of complex mixtures. A drop of the solution to be analyzed is placed at one end of a strip of filter paper and allowed to dry. That end of the strip is then immersed in a solvent, which deposits the various components of the mixture as it permeates the strip of paper. The dried strip is sprayed with a reagent that produces a color change with the components; Martin and Synge used ninhydrin to reveal the positions of amino acids. The developed strip is called a chromatogram.
In 1953, Martin began working on gas chromatography, which separates chemical vapors by differential adsorption on a porous solid.

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Archer John Porter, 1.3.1910, engl. Physikochemiker; entwickelte zus. mit R. Synge die Verteilungschromatographie; Nobelpreis für Chemie 1952.

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(1862-1915) Irish novelist. She wrote under the pen name Martin Ross. She collaborated with her cousin Edith Somerville on tales of Anglo-Irish provincial life—for example, Some Experiences of an Irish RM 1899.

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(1754-1834) Irish landowner and lawyer known as “Humanity Martin”. He founded the British Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 1824.

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(1908-) English architect. He was co-editor (with Naum Gabo and Ben Nicholson) of the review Circle, which helped to introduce the Modern Movement to England. With Peter Moro (1911– ) and Robert Matthew (1905–1975), he designed the Royal Festival Hall, London, 1951. In 1991 he received a RIBA award for his series of buildings for the Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon (completed 1984), which span a period of 30 years.
Martin was Professor of Architecture at Cambridge University from 1956–72, during which period the department's Centre for Land Use and Built Form Studies exercised considerable influence over the development of architectural theory.

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(1789-1854) English Romantic painter. He depicted grandiose landscapes and ambitious religious subjects, such as Belshazzar’s Feast (several versions).
Other examples of his work are The Plains of Heaven 1851–53 and the apocalyptic The Last Judgment 1853 (both Tate Gallery, London). Martin often made mezzotint engravings from his own work; he also illustrated Milton’s Paradise Lost.

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(1893-1981) Northern Irish aeronautical engineer who designed and manufactured ejection seats. At the time of his death about 35,000 ejection seats were in service with the air forces and navies of 50 countries.
Martin was born in Crossgar, County Down. In his early 20s he designed a three-wheeled automobile, and then set up a business in London. In the early 1930s he built a two-seater monoplane made of roun
d-section, thin-gauge steel tubing. The design of this machine, Martin-Baker MB-1, marked the start of a partnership between Martin and Captain Valentine Henry Baker, the company's chief test pilot. During the next ten years to 1944, Martin designed three fighter aircraft that performed well and could be produced cheaply, but he received no orders.
Before World War II, Martin designed a barrage-balloon cable cutter, which was employed by most RAF Bomber Command aircraft.
The ejection seat was invented during World War II to improve the Spitfire pilot's chances of escape by parachute. Martin-Baker seats were fitted in new British military jet aircraft from 1947. Martin continued to develop the ejection seat for use at higher speeds, greater altitudes, vertical takeoff, multiple crew escape, and underwater ejection.

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martin | englesko - nemački rečnik



Any of several species of birds in the swallow family, Hirundinidae.
Only one species, the purple martin Progne subis, is native to North America. It is a dark, glossy purplish blue and about 20 cm/8 in long with a n
otched tail. It winters in South America.
Any of various swallows with squarish or slightly forked tail and long pointed wings; migrate around Martinmas.
1. A small Eurasian bird (Delichon urbica) of the swallow family with a forked tail, bluish-black head and back, and white rump and underparts
2. Any of various birds (especially genus Progne) of the swallow family other than the Eurasian martin — compare purple martin

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1. City in Kentucky (USA).
2. City in North Dakota (USA); zip code 58758.
3. City in South Dakota (USA).
4. City in Tennessee (USA); zip code 38237.
5. Town in Georgia (USA); zip code 30557.
6. Village in Louisiana (USA).
7. Village in Michigan (USA); zip code 49070.

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