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German theologian who led the Reformation; believed that salvation is granted on the basis of faith rather than deeds (1483-1546).
(1483-1546) German Christian church reformer, a founder of Protestantism. While he was a priest at the University of Wittenberg, he wrote an attack on the sale of indulgences (remissions of punishment for sin). The Holy Roman emperor Charles V summoned him to the Diet (meeting of dignitaries of the Holy Roman Empire) of Worms in Germany, in 1521, where he refused to retract his objections. Originally intending reform, his protest led to schism, with the emergence, following the Augsburg Confession 1530 (a statement of the Protestant faith), of a new Protestant church. Luther is regarded as the instigator of the Protestant revolution, and Lutheranism is now the predominant religion of many
N European countries, including Germany, Sweden, and Denmark.
Luther was born in Eisleben, the son of a miner; he studied at the University of Erfurt, spent three years as a monk in the Augustinian convent there, and in 1507 was ordained priest. Shortly afterwards he attracted attention as a teacher and preacher at the University of Wittenberg; and in 1517, after returning from a visit to Rome, he attained nationwide celebrity for his denunciation of the Dominican monk Johann Tetzel (1455–1519), one of those sent out by the pope to sell indulgences as a means of raising funds for the rebuilding of St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
On 31 Oct 1517, Luther nailed on the church door in Wittenberg a statement of 95 theses concerning indulgences, and the following year he was summoned to Rome to defend his action. His reply was to attack the papal system even more strongly, and in 1520 he publicly burned in Wittenberg the papal bull (edict) that had been launched against him. On his way home from the imperial Diet of Worms he was taken into “protective custody” by the elector of Saxony in the castle of Wartburg. Later he became estranged from the Dutch theologian Erasmus, who had formerly supported him in his attacks on papal authority, and engaged in violent controversies with political and religious opponents. After the Augsburg Confession 1530, Luther gradually retired from the Protestant leadership. His translation of the scriptures marks the emergence of modern German.
Formerly condemned by communism, Luther had by the 1980s been rehabilitated as a revolutionary socialist hero, and was claimed as patron saint in Germany.

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Martin, 1483, 1546, dt. Reformator; trat 1505 in den Orden der Augustiner-Eremiten zu Erfurt ein, 1512 in Wittenberg Doktor der Theologie. Gegen die Ablaßverkündigung durch J. Tetzel formulierte er 95 Thesen, die er am 31.10.1517 in Wittenberg öffentl. verkünden ließ. Auf der Leipziger Disputation 1519 zw. J. Eck u. A. Karlstadt bestritt er den Primat des Papstes u. lehnte die Irrtumslosigkeit der allg. Konzilien ab. Auf die päpstl. Bannandrohungsbulle antwortete L. 1520 mit den 3 großen Programmschriften »An den christl. Adel deutscher Nation von des christl. Standes Besserung«, »Von der babylon. Gefangenschaft der Kirche« u. »Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen«. Am 3.1.1521 wurde L. exkommuniziert; Kaiser Karl V. verhängte über L. die Reichsacht. Kurfürst Friedrich der Weise von Sachsen ließ L. auf die Wartburg bringen, wo Luthers Übers. des NT entstand (1534 durch die Übers. des AT ergänzt). 1525 heiratete L. die ehem. Zisterziensernonne Katharina von Bora. Zur Belehrung für das Volk verfaßte er 1529 den »Kleinen Katechismus«, für die Pfarrer den »Großen Katechismus«. – L.s Theologie hat ihr Zentrum in der Rechtfertigungsverkündigung. Er hielt an der Klarheit der Hl. Schrift fest u. betonte den Ursprung der Kirche in Bibelwort u. Sakrament, ohne menschl. Zusätze. Er verstand sich als Lehrer der Hl. Schrift, nicht als Reformator der Kirche oder des Staats im Rahmen der damaligen Gesellschaftsordnung. Seine Bibel-Übers. hat zur Durchsetzung einer allg. dt. Hochsprache wesentl. beigetragen. + prikaži više

Luther | englesko - nemački rečnik



1. City in Iowa (USA); zip code 50152.
2. Town in Oklahoma (USA); zip code 73054.
3. Village in Michigan (USA); zip code 49656.

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