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Country in W Africa, bounded N by Guinea, E by the Ivory Coast, S and SW by the Atlantic Ocean, and NW by Sierra Leone.
The 1986 constitution, amended 1988 and 1991, provides for a two-chamber national assembly consisting of a 26-member senate and a 64-member house of representatives, elected by universal suffrage for a six-year term. The president, who is head of state and government, is similarly elected for a six-year term. In March 1994, in the aftermath of the civil war, a transitional government was established, with a five-member council of state and a 35-member assembly, pending drafting of a permanent constitution.
The area now known as Liberia was bought by the American Colonization Society, a philanthropic organization active in the first half of the 19th century. The society's aim was to establish a settlement for liberated black slaves from the southern US. The first settlers arrived 1822, and Liberia was declared an independent republic 1847. The new state suffered from financial difficulties, with bankruptcy 1909 bringing reorganization by US army officers. For almost 160 years the country's leaders were descended from the black American settlers, but the 1980 coup put Africans in power.
military coup
William Tubman was president from 1944 until his death 1971 and was succeeded by Vice President William R Tolbert (1913–1980), who was reelected 1975. In 1980 Tolbert was assassinated in a coup led
by Master Sgt Samuel Doe (1952–1990), who suspended the constitution, banned all political parties, and ruled through the People's Redemption Council (PRC). He proceeded to stamp out corruption in the public service, encountering considerable opposition and making enemies who were later to threaten his position.
new constitution
A new constitution was approved by the PRC 1983 and by national referendum 1984. Political parties were again permitted, provided they registered with the Special Electoral Commission. In 1984 Doe founded the National Democratic Party of Liberia (NDPL) and announced his intention to stand for the presidency. By 1985 there were 11 political parties, but they complained about the difficulties of the registration process, and only three registered in time for the elections. Doe's party won clear majorities in both chambers, despite alleged election fraud, and he was pronounced president with 51% of the vote. In 1985 there was an unsuccessful attempt to unseat him. Doe alleged complicity by neighboring Sierra Leone and dealt harshly with the coup leaders.
end of Doe regime
A gradual movement toward a pluralist political system, with a number of parties registering in opposition to the ruling NDPL, and growing economic problems threatened the stability of the Doe regime. In July 1990 rebel forces under Charles Taylor and a breakaway faction led by Prince Johnson laid siege to Doe in the presidential palace. Doe refused an offer of assistance by the US to leave the country, and in Sept was captured and killed by rebel forces. In Nov Amos Sawyer became the head of an interim government and in 1991 he was reelected president.
In 1990 a United Nations (UN) stabilizing force had been sent to Liberia in an effort to establish peace. Taylor agreed with Sawyer to work toward peace, and an agreement reached Oct 1991, although initially rejected by the guerrilla group United Liberation Movement of Liberia for Democracy (ULIMO), was finally upheld. However, heavy fighting continued in many areas. In Oct 1992, as fighting increased, Taylor's rebel forces laid siege to Monrovia. A peace accord was signed 1993, under the auspices of the Organization of African Unity and the UN, and an interim collective presidency established. In March 1994 a transitional government was established (pending the drafting of a permanent constitution) under David Kpormakpor. In Sept 1994, several days after Taylor and Alhaji Kromah, leader of ULIMO, had signed a preliminary peace agreement, dissident elements of the military briefly took control of the presidential palace, before being dispersed by peacekeeping forces. A finalized peace agreement was signed by
rebel factions Dec 1994. It is estimated that more than 150,000 people were killed in the civil war 1990–95, and more than 80% of Liberians were displaced.
A republic in West Africa; established in 1822 by Americans as a way to free negro slaves.

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Liberia · Republic of Liberia
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L. wurde 1822 gegr. als Siedlung freigelassener amerik. Sklaven. 1847 wurde es unabhängige Rep. mit einer Verf. nach amerik. Vorbild. Seit dem Militärputsch von 1980 regierte S. Doe, der 1985 zum Staats-Präs. gewählt wurde. 1990 begann eine Rebellenbewegung unter Führung von C. Taylor einen Guerillakrieg gegen die Reg. Doe. Trotz der Intervention einer westafrik. Friedensstreitmacht im Aug. 1990 konnten die Rebellen die Reg. stürzen u. Präs. Doe töten. Da die Rebellen in zwei Lager gespalten sind, blieb die polit. Lage instabil. + prikaži više


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