Laurel prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

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ETYM Old Eng. lorel, laurer, lorer, Old Fren. lorier, laurier, French laurier, (assumed) Late Lat. Laurarius, from Latin laurus.
Any evergreen tree of the European genus Laurus, f
amily Lauraceae, with glossy, aromatic leaves, yellowish flowers, and black berries. The leaves of sweet bay or poet’s laurel l. nobilis are used in cooking. Several species are cultivated worldwide.
California laurel Umbellularia californica of the W us belongs to a different genus in the laurel family.
Any of various aromatic trees of the laurel family.

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(Laurus)Gattung der L.gewächse mit zwei Arten im Mittelmeerraum und auf den Kanar. Inseln; Bäume und Sträucher mit ledrig-glatten Blättern, die als Küchengewürz genutzt werden; zum Kranz geflochten als Siegeszeichen v.a. in der Antike üblich.
Laurus, Charakterpflanze der Hartlaubformationen im Mittelmeergebiet; spielte im grch. wie im röm. Altertum eine kult. Rolle (Symbol des Sieges). Heute werden die Blätter als Gewürz u. die Früchte sowie das daraus gewonnene Öl arzneilich verwendet.
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Laurel | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(adopted name of Arthur Stanley Jefferson) US film comedians. They were one of the most successful comedy teams in film history (Stan was slim, Oliver rotund). Their partnership began 1927, survived the transition from silent films to sound, and resulted in more than 200 short and feature-length films. Among these are Pack Up Your Troubles 1932, Our Relations 1936, and A Chump at Oxford 1940.
Laurel, a British-born former music-hall comedian, produced several of their feature films, notably Way Out West 1937.

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Stan , eigentl. A.S. Jefferson, Ulverston 16.6.1890, +Santa Monica 23.2.1965, amerikan. Filmschauspieler. Zus. mit Oliver Hardy bildete L. in den 'Dick-und-Doof-Filmen' das erfolgreichste Komikerduo der frühen Tonfilmära.

Laurel | englesko - nemački rečnik



1. City in Iowa (USA); zip code 50141.
2. City in Maryland (USA).
3. City in Mississippi (USA); zip code 39440.
4. City in Montana (USA); zi
p code 59044.
5. City in Nebraska (USA); zip code 68745.
6. Town in Delaware (USA); zip code 19956.
7. Town in Indiana (USA); zip code 47024.
8. Unincorporated community in Florida (USA).
9. Unincorporated community in New York (USA).
10. Unincorporated community in Virginia (USA).

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Arthur Stanley Jefferson Laurel · Laurel · Stan Laurel · bay wreath · laurel wreath
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To deck or crown with laurel

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loo roll

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