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jay | englesko - nemački rečnik



ETYM French geai, Old Fren. gai, jaj, perh. from Old High Germ. gâhi. Related to Gay.
Crested largely blue bird.
Any of several birds of the crow
family Corvidae, generally brightly colored and native to Eurasia and the Americas. In the Eurasian common jay Garrulus glandarius, the body is fawn with patches of white, blue, and black on the wings and tail.
The blue jay Cyanocitta cristata, of the east and central US, has a crest and is very noisy and bold.

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(Sulidae)Familie bis 1 m langer Meeresvögel (Ordnung Ruderfüßer) mit 9 Arten in den Küstenregionen trop. bis gemäßigter Meere. T. ernähren sich von Fischen, ihre Jungen bringen sie in großen Brutkolonien, meist auf Inseln, zur Welt. Bekannteste Art ist der etwa gänsegroße, weiße Baßtölpel, der v.a. an den Küsten Großbritanniens, Islands, S-Norwegens und Neufundlands verbreitet ist. + prikaži više

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(1745-1829) US diplomat and jurist, a member of the Continental Congress 1774–89 and its president 1779. With Benjamin Franklin and John Adams, he negotiated the Peace of Paris 1783, which concluded the American Revolution. President Washington named him first chief justice of the US 1789. He negotiated Jay's Treaty with England 1795, averting another war. He was governor of New York 1795–1801.
Born in New York City, Jay was admitted to the bar 1768. He became first chief justice of New York 1778. He was US minister to Spain 1779–82 and later served as foreign secretary for the Continental Congress 1783–89. A strong supporter of the federal constitution, he collaborated with Alexander Hamilton and James Madison on the Federalist Papers 1787–88, aiding ratification of the US constitution.

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John , New York 12.12.1745, +Bedford 17.5.1829, amerikan. Politiker und Jurist. J. konzipierte 1777 die Verfassung des Staates New York, war 1789/1795 erster Oberster Richter der USA und handelte 1794 mit den Briten den Grenville-J.-Vertrag aus.

Jay | englesko - nemački rečnik



1. City in Oklahoma (USA); zip code 74346.
2. Town in Florida (USA); zip code 32565.

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