Hay prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

hay | englesko - nemački rečnik



(Homonym: hey).
Grass mowed and cured for use as fodder.
Preserved grass used for winter livestock feed. The grass is cut and allowed to dry in the field before being removed for storage in a barn.
The optimum perio
d for cutting is when the grass has just come into flower and contains most feed value. During the natural drying process, the moisture content is reduced from 70–80% down to a safe level of 20%. In normal weather conditions, this takes from two to five days, during which time the hay is turned by machine to ensure even drying. Hay is normally baled before removal from the field.
2.47 acres/1 hectare of grass can produce up to 7.3 tons/7.5 metric tons of hay.

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im grünen Zustand gemähtes, an der Luft oder mittels einer Heutrocknungsanlage in der Scheune getrocknetes u. haltbar gemachtes Futter (Dürrfutter). Es enthält 10 – 18% verdauliches Rohprotein u. bis 42% Stärke. Heu ist das eiweißreiche Rauhfutter für Großtiere u. die Grundlage der Stallfütterung.

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Hay | englesko - nemački rečnik


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John Milton 1838-1905 American statesman

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Hay | englesko - nemački rečnik



River 530 miles (853 kilometers) Canada in N Alberta and S Northwest Territories flowing NE into Great Slave Lake.

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hay | englesko - nemački rečnik



1. To cut, cure, and store hay
2. To feed with hay

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srpski · francuski

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