grammar prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

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ETYM Old Eng. gramere, Old Fren. gramaire, French grammaire Prob. from Latin gramatica Greek, skilled in grammar, from gramma letter. Related to Gramme, Graphic, Grammatical, Gramarye.
Studies of the formation of basic linguistic units.
Greek grammatike tekhne “art of letters” the principles of the correct use of language, dealing with the rules of structuring words into phrases, clauses, sentences, and paragraphs in an accepted way. Emphasis on the standardizing impact of print has meant that spoken or colloquial language is often perceived as less grammatical than written language, but all forms of a language, standard or otherwise, have their own grammatical systems of differing complexity. People often acquire sev
eral overlapping grammatical systems within one language; for example, one formal system for writing and standard communication and one less formal system for everyday and peer-group communication.
Originally “grammar” was an analytical approach to writing, intended to improve the understanding and the skills of scribes, philosophers, and writers. When compared with Latin, English has been widely regarded as having less grammar or at least a simpler grammar; it would be truer, however, to say that English and Latin have different grammars, each complex in its own way. In linguistics (the contemporary study of language) grammar, or syntax, refers to the arrangement of the elements in a language for the purposes of acceptable communication in speech, writing, and print.
All forms of a language, standard or otherwise, have their grammars or grammatical systems, which children acquire through use. Not even the most comprehensive grammar book (or grammar) of a language like English, French, Arabic, or Japanese completely covers or fixes the implicit grammatical system that people use in their daily lives. The rules and tendencies of natural grammar operate largely in nonconscious ways but can, for many social and professional purposes, be studied and developed for conscious as well as inherent skills. See also parts of speech.
Recent theories of the way language functions include phrase structure grammar, transformational grammar, and case grammar.

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Sprachlehre, i.e.S. die Lehre von der Wortbildung u. -flexion (Morphologie) sowie von der Verwendung der Wörter im Satz (Syntax); i.w.S. ergänzt durch die Lautlehre (Phonetik u. Phonologie).
Teilbereich der Sprachwiss.; befaßt sich mit den sprachl. Formen und ihren Funktionen im
Satz, mit den Gesetzmäßigkeiten und der Struktur der Sprache. G. ist auch die Bez. für die zusammenfassende Buchform oder wiss. Darstellung der G.forschung sowie für das Regelwerk der Sprache. Man unterteilt die G. in Phonetik (Lautlehre), Morphologie (Formen- und Wortbildungslehre) und Syntax (Satzlehre). Traditionell werden folgende G.typen unterschieden: histor. G., deskriptive G., normative G., vergleichende G. In der modernen Linguistik werden neben der traditionellen G. folgende G.arten entwickelt: Dependenz-, inhaltsbezogene, generative, Stratifikationsgrammatik. + prikaži više

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