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gospel | englesko - nemački rečnik



ETYM Old Eng. gospel, godspel, AS. godspell; god God + spell story, tale. Related to God, and Spell.
In the New Testament generally, the message of Christian salvation; in particular the four written accounts of the life of Jesus by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Although the first three give approxi
mately the same account or synopsis (thus giving rise to the name “Synoptic Gospels”), their differences from John have raised problems for theologians.
The so-called fifth Gospel, or Gospel of St Thomas (not connected with the disciple Thomas), is a 2nd-century collection of 114 sayings of Jesus. It was found in a Coptic translation contained in a group of 13 papyrus codices, discovered in Upper Egypt 1945, which may have formed the library of a Gnostic community (see Gnosticism).
1. A doctrine that is believed to be of great importance.
2. An unquestionable truth; SYN. gospel truth.

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(Gattungsbezeichnung) Gattungsbez. für aus dem fr. Christentum stammende erzählende Schriften, die die Worte u. Taten Jesu zum Gegenstand haben. Man unterscheidet »kanonische« (die 4 neutestamentl.) u. »apokryphe« (nicht in das NT aufgenommene u. im allg. nur in Resten erhaltene) Evangelien.
(griech. 'frohe Kunde')Botschaft Jesu vom Kommen des Gottesreiches. Auch die vier Überlieferungen vom Leben und Wirken Jesu werden als Matthäus-, Marcus-, Lukas- und Johannes-E. bezeichnet. Die liturg. Lesung aus einem davon wird ebenfalls so genannt.
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gospel | englesko - nemački rečnik



1. Having a basis in or being in accordance with the gospel; evangelical
2. Marked by special or fervid emphasis on the gospel
3. Of, relating to, or being religious songs of American origin associated with evangelism and popular devotion and marked by simple melody and harmony and elements of folk songs and blues

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Gospel | englesko - nemački rečnik



Four books in the New Testament that tell the story of Christ's life and teachings; Also called: Gospels, evangel.

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