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fugue | englesko - nemački rečnik



In music, a contrapuntal form with two or more subjects (principal melodies) for a number of parts, which enter in succession in direct imitation of each other or transposed to a higher or lower key, and may be combined in augmented form (larger note values). It represents the highest form of contrapuntal ingenuity in works such as J S Bach’s Das musikalische Opfer/The Musical Offering 1747, on a theme of Frederick II of Prussia, and Die Kunst der Fuge/The Art of the Fugue published 1751, and Beethoven’s Grosse Fuge/Great Fugue for string quartet 1825–26.
A musical form consisting of a theme repeated a fifth above or a fourth below its first statement.

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ženski rodgramatika

(von lat. fuga 'Flucht')vielstimmiges Vokal- oder Instrumentalstück, in dem ein oder mehrere Themen streng kontrapunkt. variiert werden. Die F. als höchstentwickelte Form der abendländ. Polyphonie wurde bes. von J.S. Bach in meisterhaften Kompositionen verwendet, aber auch moderne Komponisten wie Reger oder Hindemith traten mit bedeutenden F.-Werken hervor. + prikaži više

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fugue | englesko - nemački rečnik



ETYM French, from Italian fuga, from Latin fuga a fleeing, flight, akin to fugere to fiee. Related to Fugitive.
In psychology, an abnormal state
in which a person under emotional stress suddenly leaves home, apparently forgetting everything about his or her normal life, and assumes a new identity. The state is usually temporary and is probably due to repression.
A dreamlike state of altered consciousness that may last for hours or days.

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psychogenic fugue
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srpski · francuski

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Reč dana 19.09.2024.

imenica, medicina
muški rod, muzika
ženski rod, gramatika
ženski rod, telekomunikacije