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(1888-1982) British admiral. As commander in chief of the Home Fleet in World War II, he directed the search for and subsequent sinking of the Scharnhorst Dec 1943. He became commander in chief of the Eastern Fleet in the Indian Ocean Aug 1944 and Nov 1944 took command of the Pacific Fleet. He was the British representative at the signing of the Japanese surrender in Tokyo Bay 2 Sept 1945. After the war he became First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff 1948–51.

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Bruce Austin, Molesley (Surrey) 5.2.1888, +London 12.2.1981, brit. Flottenadmiral (1948); 1902 zur Marine, im 1. Weltkrieg Artillerieoffizier auf verschiedenen Schlachtschiffen, beteiligt an der Entwicklung eines neuartigen Feuerleitsystems, bis 1939 verschiedene Land- und Bordkommandos. F. war bei Kriegsbeginn 3. Seelord und erhielt 1940 die Ernennung zum Vizeadmiral. 1942 stellv. OB der Home Fleet unter Admiral Tovey, wurde F. im Jahr darauf dessen Nachfolger und konnte im Dez. 1943 die Versenkung des dt. Schlachtschiffs Scharnhorst im Nordpolarmeer melden. Es folgte 1944 die Ernennung zum Admiral und zum OB der brit. Pazifikflotte, die er als eigene Kampfgruppe in den Verband der schnellen amerikan. Trägerflotte eingliederte. Er leitete die Operationen von seinem Hauptquartier in Sidney und überließ seinem Stellv. Admiral Rawlings die Führung auf dem Flaggschiff. Nach Kriegsende zunächst Stationskommandant in Portsmouth, 1948 Erster Lord der Admiralität. + prikaži više

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1. City in Iowa (USA).
2. City in Michigan (USA); zip code 48026.
3. Town in Colorado (USA).
River in British Columbia, Canada. It rises in the Yellowhead Pass of the Rockies and flows NW, then S, then W to the Strait of Georgia. It is 1,370 km/850 mi long and rich in salmon.



Fluß im westl. Kanada, 1368 km; mündet bei Vancouver in den Pazifik.

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(1932-) English author. She has published authoritative biographies, including Mary Queen of Scots 1969; historical works, such as The Weaker Vessel 1984; and a series of detective novels featuring investigator Jemima Shore.
She is married to the dramatist Harold Pinter, and is the daughter of Lord Longford.

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(1776-1862) Canadian explorer and surveyor for the Hudson Bay Company who crossed the Rockies and traveled most of the way down the river that bears his name 1805–07.

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(1884-1950) New Zealand Labour politician, born in Scotland. He held various cabinet posts 1935–40, and was prime minister 1940–49.
During his office as prime minister he coordinated the New Zealand war effort. After 1945 he concentrated on problems of social legislation and in 1949 promoted controversial legislation to bring in military conscription.

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Fraser | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(1937-) Australian swimmer. The only person to win the same swimming event at three consecutive Olympic Games: 100 meters freestyle in 1956, 1960, and 1964. The holder of 27 world records, she was the first woman to break the one-minute barrier for the 100 meters.

Fraser | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(John) (1930-) Australian Liberal politician, prime minister 1975–83; nicknamed “the Prefect” because of a supposed disregard of subordinates.
Fraser was educated at Oxford
University, and later became a millionaire sheep farmer. In March 1975 he replaced Snedden as Liberal Party leader. In Nov, following the Whitlam government's economic difficulties, he blocked finance bills in the Senate, became prime minister of a caretaker government, and in the consequent general election won a large majority. He lost to Hawke in the 1983 election.

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