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ETYM French or German Cf. Formation.
1. The general appearance of a publication.
2. The organization of information according to preset specifications (usually for computer processing); SYN. formatting, data format, data formatting.

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(übertragen) Charakterl. Größe, Tüchtigkeit.
(allgemein) Maß, Normgröße.
Einteilung von Datenträgern in Spuren und Sektoren / Vorbereitung einer Diskette oder Festplatte
für die spätere Nutzung. ACHTUNG: Es gibt unterschiedliche Festplatten-Formate: das neue FAT32-Format von WINDOWS 95b kann weder von der ursprünglichen WINDOWS95-Version noch von WINDOWS NT genutzt werden.
ETYM. lat.
1. Gestalt; Maß, Ausmaß, Größe; genormte Größe (z.B. DIN-F.).
2. Menschl. Größe, ausgeprägter Charakter, beeindruckende Persönlichkeit.
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format | englesko - nemački rečnik



1. To determine the arrangement of (data) for storage and display (in computer science).
2. To divide (a disk) into marked sectors so that it may store data; SYN. initialize.
3. To set into a specific format; of printed matter; SYN. arrange.

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anordnen · arrangieren · in ein (bestimmtes) Format bringen · zurechtstellen · zusammenstellen
format | englesko - nemački rečnik



1. In general, the structure or appearance of a unit of data.
2. The arrangement of data within a document file that typically permits the document to be read or written by a certain application. Many applications
can store a file in a more generic format, such as plain ASCII text.
3. The layout of data storage areas (tracks and sectors) on a disk.
4. The order and types of fields in a database.
5. The attributes of a cell in a spreadsheet, such as its being alphabetic or numeric, the number of digits, the use of commas, and the use of currency signs. 6. The specifications for the placement of text on a page or in a paragraph.

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1. To change the appearance of selected text or the contents of a selected cell in a spreadsheet.
2. To prepare a disk for
use by organizing its storage space into a collection of data “compartments,” each of which can be located by the operating system so that data can be sorted and retrieved. When a previously used disk is formatted, any preexisting information on it is lost.

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