fluorescence prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

fluorescence | englesko - nemački rečnik



ETYM From Fluor.
In scientific usage, very short-lived luminescence (a glow not caused by high temperature). Generally, the term is used for any luminescence regardless of the persistence. Phosphorescence lasts a little longer.
Fluorescence is
used in strip and other lighting, and was developed rapidly during World War II because it was a more efficient means of illumination than the incandescent lamp. Recently, small bulb-size fluorescence lamps have reached the market. It is claimed that, if widely used, their greater efficiency could reduce demand for electricity. Other important applications are in fluorescent screens for television and cathode-ray tubes.
Light emitted during absorption of radiation of some other (invisible) wavelength.

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ženski rod

(lat.)Leuchtstrahlung bestimmter chem. Stoffe unter Einwirkung einer Photonen- oder Korpuskularstrahlung. Die F. wird durch Anregung der Elektronen hervorgerufen und verschwindet im Gegensatz zur Phosphoreszenz nach der Bestrahlung.

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