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equation | englesko - nemački rečnik



ETYM Latin aequatio an equalizing: cf. French équation equation. Related to Equate.
1. A mathematical statement that two expressions are equal.
2. The act of regarding as equal; SYN. equating.

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A mathematical statement that indicates equality with the use of an equal sign (=) between two expressions. In programming languages, assignment statements are written in equation form. See also assignment statement.
In mathematics, expression that represents the equality of two expressions involving constants and/or variables, and thus u
sually includes an equals sign (=). For example, the equation A = pr2 equates the area A of a circle of radius r to the product pr2.
The algebraic equation y = mx + c is the general one in coordinate geometry for a straight line.
If a mathematical equation is true for all variables in a given domain, it is sometimes called an identity and denoted by ş.
Thus (x + y)2 ş x2 + 2xy + y2 for all x, y Î R.
An indeterminate equation is an equation for which there is an infinite set of solutions—for example, 2x = y. A diophantine equation is an indeterminate equation in which the solution and terms must be whole numbers (after Diophantus of Alexandria, c. AD 250).

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ženski rodmatematika

Mathemat. Aussageform mit Gleichheitszeichen (z.B. 3 + 5 = 8). Ident. G. enthalten entweder nur bekannte Größen (3 + 7 = 10), oder sie sind für alle Werte einer in ihnen enthaltenen Unbekannten x erfüllt. Bestimmungsgleichungen kennen nur ganz bestimmte Werte der Unbekannten (x+1 = 3 z.B. nur für x = 2). Funktionsgleichungen stellen zwei oder mehrere Größen in einen Zusammenhang (y = 3x+1), nach ihnen lassen sich die physikal. Gesetze darstellen. + prikaži više

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equation | englesko - nemački rečnik



In chemistry, representation of a chemical reaction by symbols and numbers; see chemical equation.

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Reč dana 16.09.2024.

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