determinism prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

determinism | englesko - nemački rečnik



Philosophical theory that acts of will arise from deciding causes; fatalism; theory that present conditions are so by necessity.
A philosophical doctrine holding that all events are inevitable consequences of antecedent sufficient causes; often understood as denying the possibility of free will.
In philosophy, the view that every event is an instance of some scientific law of nature; or that every event has at least one c
ause; or that nature is uniform. The thesis cannot be proved or disproved. Determinism is also the theory that we do not have free will, because our choices and actions are caused.
In antiquity, the theory of determinism was a feature of stoicism. In Christian theology, the Calvinist doctrine of predestination is deterministic. Quantum mechanics and the uncertainty principle lend support to free will.
Hard determinists hold that responsibility for our actions is an illusion. Soft determinists, or compatibilists, hold that causation is not a constraint or compulsion, and to act freely is not to act unpredictably. Indeterminists, or libertarians, hold that the self is outside of, but can intervene in, the causal chain.
The thesis of determinism is often reagrded as a methodological principle or rule of thumb, rather than a true or false statement.

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die philosoph. Lehre, wonach alles Geschehen ursächl. bestimmt, der menschl. Wille also nicht frei ist.
(lat.)Lehre von der ausnahmslosen Bestimmtheit des menschl. Wollens und Handelns durch Motive, die ihrerseits durch innere oder äußere Ursachen eindeutig festgelegt sind. Gegensatz: Indeterminismus.

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determinism | englesko - nemački rečnik



In computing, the ability to predict an outcome or to know in advance how data will be manipulated by a processing system. A deterministic simulation, for example, is one in which a certain input always produces the same output.

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