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(Byron) (1931-1955) US actor. Killed in an automobile accident soon after the public showing of his first film, East of Eden 1955, he posthumously became a cult hero with Rebel Without a Cause 1955 and Giant 1956.
He has become a symbol of teenage rebellion against American middle-class values.

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James , Fairmont (Ind.) 8.2.1931, +Salinas (Cal.) 30.9.1955 (Autounfall), amerikan. Schauspieler, wurde weltberühmt und zum Jugendidol durch die Filme 'Jenseits von Eden', '.denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun' und 'Giganten' (alle drei 1955).

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ETYM Old Eng. dene, deene, Old Fren. deien, dien, French doyen, eldest of a corporation, a dean, Latin decanus the chief of ten, one set over ten persons, e.g., over soldiers or over monks, from decem ten. Related to Ten, Decemvir.
1. The senior member of a group; SYN. doyen. /> 2. An administrator in charge of a division of a university or college.
3. (Roman Catholic) The head of the College of Cardinals.
In education, in universities and medical schools, the head of administration; in the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge, UK, the member of the teaching staff charged with the maintenance of discipline; in Roman Catholicism, senior cardinal bishop, head of the college of cardinals; in the Anglican Communion, head of the chapter of a cathedral or collegiate church (a rural dean presides over a division of an archdeaconry).

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2) geistl. Würdenträger, Leiter eines Kirchenkreises oder Domkapitels ('Dechant').

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(Jay Hanna) (1911-1974) US baseball player. He joined the St Louis Cardinals 1930 and made his major-league pitching debut 1932. Winning 30 games and leading the Cardinals to a World Series win, he was voted the National League's most valuable player 1934. Following an injury in the 1937 All-Star Game, his pitching suffered. He was traded to the Chicago Cubs, for whom he pitched until his retirement 1941.
Born in Lucas, Arkansas, Dean worked as a farmhand until he was old enough to join the army, where his pitching skills were recognized. The offbeat brashness and good-natured arrogance that won him the nickname “Dizzy” are as legendary as his explosive fast-ball pitch.
Dean was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame 1953.

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(1888-1978) English founder and director-general of Entertainments National Service Association (ENSA) 1939, which provided entertainment for the Allied forces in World War II.

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City in Texas (USA).

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