Damascus prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

Damascus | englesko - nemački rečnik



1. An ancient city (widely regarded as the world's oldest) and present capital and largest city of Syria; according to the New Testament, the Apostle Paul (then known as Saul) underwent a dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus.
2. Town in Arkansas (USA).
3. Town in Georgia (USA); zip code 31741.
4. Town in Virginia (USA); zip code 24236.
5. Unincorporated community in Maryland (USA).
(Arabic Dimashq) Capital of Syr
ia, on the river Barada, SE of Beirut; It produces silk, wood products, and brass and copper ware. Said to be the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world, Damascus was an ancient city even in Old Testament times. Most notable of the old buildings is the Great Mosque, completed as a Christian church in the 5th century.
The Assyrians destroyed Damascus about 733 BC. In 332 BC it fell to one of the generals of Alexander the Great; in 63 BC it came under Roman rule. In AD 635 it was taken by the Arabs, and has since been captured many times, by Egyptians, Mongolians, and Turks. In 1918, during World War I, it was taken from the Turks by the British with Arab aid and in 1920 became the capital of French-mandated Syria. The “street which is called straight” is associated with St Paul, who was converted while on the road to Damascus. The tomb of Saladin is here. The fortress dates from 1219.

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Damascus · Dimash · capital of Syria
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Hptst. von Syrien, in der Ghuta-Oase am SW-Rand des Antilibanon, 1,3 Mio. Ew.; Handels- u. Verkehrszentrum; Univ.; Omajjadenmoschee. – Im 15. Jh. v. Chr. erstmals erwähnt; 64 v. Chr. zum Röm. Reich; 635 von den Arabern erobert, unter den Omajjaden 661–750 Hptst. des Islamischen Reichs; im 12. Jh. Residenz Saladins, 1260 an die Mamluken, 1516–1918 türkisch.
Hauptstadt von Syrien am O-Fuß des Antilibanon, 1,25 Mio. Einw.; Sitz des griech.-orthodoxen und des melchit. Patriarchen von Antiochia, eines syr.-kath. Erzbistums, eines maronit. Bistums, eines jacobit. Bistums und eines armen. Archimandriten; Universität, Nationalbibliothek und -museum. Architekton. Mittelpunkt von D. ist die Omaijaden-Moschee, im 8. Jh. auf den Ruinen eines röm. Jupitertempels erbaut. Die Geschichte der Stadt reicht bis ins 4. Jt. v.Chr. zurück; eine besondere Blütezeit erlebte sie unter den muslim. Aijubiden (12./13.Jh.); bedeutendes Textil-(Damast) und Metallgewerbe (Damaszenerklingen).
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