Craig prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

Craig | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(1872-1966) English director and stage designer. His innovations and theories on stage design and lighting effects, expounded in On the Art of the Theatre 1911, had a profound influence on stage production in Europe and the US. He was the son of actress Ellen Terry.


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Edward Gordon, engl. Zeichner, Graphiker und Bühnenbildner, Harpenden 16.1.1872, +Vence 29.7.1966, Reformator des modernen Bühnenbildes; urspr. Schauspieler, ging 1898 zur Graphik über und entwarf Inszenierungen für das Theater. Er forderte eine rein künstler. Bühnenkunst, verwarf jeden Naturalismus, Vorläufer der modernen 'Stilbühne'. In London und Berlin, seit 1906 in Florenz tätig, wo er 1913 eine Schule für Bühnenmalerei eröffnete. Später kehrte er nach England zurück. + prikaži više

Craig | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(1871-1940) Ulster Unionist politician, the first prime minister of Northern Ireland 1921–40. Craig became a Member of Parliament 1906, and was a highly effective organizer of Unionist resistance to Home Rule. As prime minister he carried out systematic discrimination against the Catholic minority, abolishing proportional representation 1929 and redrawing constituency boundaries to ensure Protestant majorities.

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Craig | englesko - nemački rečnik



1. City in Alaska (USA); zip code 99921.
2. City in Colorado (USA); zip code 81625.
3. City in Iowa (USA).
4. City in Missouri (USA).
5. Village in Nebraska (USA); zip code 68019.

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