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Corneille | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(1606-1684) French dramatist. His tragedies, such as Horace 1640, Cinna 1641, and Oedipe 1659, glorify the strength of will governed by reason, and established the French classical dramatic tradition. His first comedy, Mélite, was performed 1629, followed by others that gained him a brief period of favor with Cardinal Richelieu. His early masterpiece, Le Cid 1636, was attacked by the Academicians, although it received public acclaim, and was produced in the same year as L’Illusion comique/The Comic Illusion.
Although Corneille enjoyed public popularity, periodic disfavor with Richelieu marred his career, and it was not until 1639 that Corneille (again in favor) produced plays such as Polyeucte 1643, Le Menteur 1643, and Rodogune 1645, leading to his election to the Académie 1647. His later plays were approved by Louis XIV.

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Pierre , Rouen 6.6.1606, +Paris 1.10.1684, frz. Dichter; bedeutendster Dramatiker der frz. Klassik. C. schrieb formal ausgefeilte Heldentragödien (u.a. 'Der Cid', 1636; 'Horace', 1640; 'La mort de Pompée', 1642/1643), die auf die europ. Dramendichtung stilbildend wirkten. Mit Racine und Molière war C. Schöpfer der frz. Theatertradition. Den größten Erfolg hatte er, als er noch als Jurist in Rouen arbeitete, in dieser Zeit entstanden seine Stücke; im Alter verblaßte sein Ruhm, und er starb nahezu vergessen. + prikaži više

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