compiler prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

compiler | englesko - nemački rečnik



ETYM Old Eng. compiluor; cf. Old Fren. compileor, from Latin compilator.
1. Any program that transforms one set of symbols into another by following a set of syntactic and semantic rules.
2. A program that translates all the source code of a program written in a high-level language into object code prior to execution of the program. See also assembler, compile, high-level language, interpreted language, language processor, object code.
(Computer science) A program that decodes instructions written in a h
igher order language and produces a machine language program; SYN. compiling program.
A software tool used to translate higher-level languages (e.g., C, FORTRAN, COBOL) into machine-code instructions for a computer to execute.
Computer program that translates programs written in a high-level language into machine code (the form in which they can be run by the computer). The compiler translates each high-level instruction into several machine-code instructions—in a process called compilation—and produces a complete independent program that can be run by the computer as often as required, without the original source program being present.
Different compilers are needed for different high-level languages and for different computers. In contrast to using an interpreter, using a compiler adds slightly to the time needed to develop a new program because the machine-code program must be recompiled after each change or correction. Once compiled, however, the machine-code program will run much faster than an interpreted program.

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Softwareelement in EDV-Anlagen; überträgt Befehle aus der Programmiersprache eines eingegebenen Arbeitsprogramms in vom Computer 'lesbare' techn. Befehle.
(2000) Programm, das menschenles
bare, in einer Programmiersprache geschriebene, Quelltextdateien komplett in ausführbare Maschinenprogramme übersetzt. Findet die Übersetzung dagegen erst schrittweise während der Programmausführung statt, spricht man von einem Interpreter.
Ein Übersetzungsprogramm, welches Programme einer höheren Programmiersprache in den vom Prozessor ausführbaren Maschinensprache umwandelt.
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