Coke prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

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ETYM Perh. akin to cake, n .
Produced by distillation of coal. Clean, light fuel produced when coal is strongly heated in an airtight oven.
Coke contains 90% carbon and makes a useful domestic and industrial fuel (used, for example in the iron and steel industries and in the production of town gas).
The process was patented in England 1622, but it was only in 1709 that Abraham Darby devised a commercial method of production.

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muški rodgramatika

(engl.)fester Rückstand der Verkokung von Steinkohlen. Der K.anfall entspricht etwa 70 bis 80 % der Masse der eingesetzten Kohle. Während früher auch große Mengen von K. als Hausbrand verfeuert wurden, dient er nun fast nur noch zur Verhüttung von Erzen. K. verbrennt im Vergleich zu Steinkohlen fast ohne Flamme und mit geringerer Rauchbildung.

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(Cocain Erythroxylin), aus den Blättern des Kokastrauches gewonnenes oder halbsynthet. hergestelltes Alkaloid. K. wird medizin. noch vereinzelt zur Betäubung von Schleimhäuten verwendet. Daneben ist es ein weitverbreitetes Rauschmittel, das überwiegend geschnupft wird. Die Wirkungen sind Euphorie, Glücksgefühle, Unruhe und kurzfristige Leistungssteigerung. Bei wiederholtem Gebrauch entsteht eine psych. und phys. Abhängigkeit. + prikaži više

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muški rodlično ime

(1754-1842) English pioneer and promoter of the improvements associated with the Agricultural Revolution. His innovations included regular manuring of the soil, the cultivation of fodder crops in association with corn, and the drilling of wheat and turnips.
He also developed a fine flock of Southdown sheep at Holkham, Norfolk, which were superior to the native Norfolks, and encouraged his farm tenants to do likewise. These ideas attracted attention at the annual sheep shearings, an early form of agricultural show, which Coke held on his home farm from 1776. By the end of the century these had become major events, with many visitors coming to see and discuss new stock, crops, and equipment.

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(1552-1634) Lord Chief Justice of England 1613–17. He was a defender of common law against royal prerogative; against Charles I he drew up the Petition of Right 1628, which defines and protects Parliament's liberties.

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Used for a cola drink.

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To become coke.

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Reč dana 08.09.2024.

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