cereal prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

cereal | englesko - nemački rečnik



(Homonym: serial).
1. A breakfast food prepared from grain.
2. Grass whose starchy grains are used as food: wheat; rice; rye; oats; maize; buckwheat; millet; SYN. cereal grass.
Grass grown for its edible, nutrient-rich, starchy seeds. The term refers primarily to wheat, oats, rye, and barley, but may also refer to corn, millet, and rice. Cereals contain about 75% complex carbohydr
ates and 10% protein, plus fats and fiber (roughage). They store well. If all the world's cereal crop were consumed as whole-grain products directly by humans, everyone could obtain adequate protein and carbohydrate; however, a large proportion of cereal production in affluent nations is used as animal feed to boost the production of meat, dairy products, and eggs.
The term also refers to breakfast foods prepared from the seeds of cereal crops. Some cereals require cooking (porridge oats), but most are ready to eat. Mass-marketed cereals include refined and sweetened varieties as well as whole cereals such as muesli. Whole cereals are more nutritious and provide more fiber than the refined cereals, which often have vitamins and flavorings added to replace those lost in the refining process.

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Sammelbez. für aus Gräsern gezüchtete landwirtschaftl. Kulturpflanzen wie Weizen, Gerste, Hafer, Roggen, Hirse, Reis, Mais, deren Körner als Nahrungsmittel, zur Herstellung von Branntwein, Malz und Stärke und als Viehfutter verwendet werden. Die G.halme finden als Viehfutter, als Flecht- und Verpackungsmaterial und zur Gewinnung von Zellulose Verwendung.
Kulturpflanzen, die in Ähren oder Rispen angeordnete mehlreiche u. trockene Körner tragen. Sie dienen der Ernährung des Menschen (Brot-G.) u. der Haustiere (Futter-G.). Hauptgetreidearten in Europa sind Roggen, Weizen, Gerste u. Hafer, auch Buchweizen, in den südl. Zonen u. in Asien Reis, Mais u. Hirse.
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Korn · Samenkorn


ženski rod
cereal | englesko - nemački rečnik



ETYM Latin Cerealis pert. to Ceres, and hence, to agriculture. Related to Ceres.
(Homonym: serial).
Made of grain or relating to grain or the plants that produce it.

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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

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ženski rod, gramatika
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