bar code prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

bar code | englesko - nemački rečnik

bar code


The special identification code printed as a set of vertical bars of differing widths on books, grocery products, and other merchandise. Used for rapid, error-free input in such facilities as libraries, hospitals, and grocery stores, bar codes represent binary information that can be read by an optical scanner. The coding can include numbers, letters, or a combination of the two; some codes include built-in error checking and can be read in either direction.
Code of a series of vertical bars printed on consumer product packages indicating price etc; SYN. Universal Product Code.
Pattern of bars and spaces that can be read by a computer. Bar codes are widely used in retailing, industrial distribution, and public libraries. The code is read by a scanning device; the computer determines the code from the widths of the bars and spaces.
The technique was patented 1949 but became popular only in 1973, when the food industry in North America adopted the Universal Product Code system.

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1973 stellte IBM den ersten Barcode, UPC (Universal Product Code), für Kassensysteme vor
(Strichcode)Darstellung nu
mer. oder alphanumer. Zeichen durch unterschiedl. breite Streifen auf hellem Untergrund zur maschinenlesbaren Speicherung von Informationen. Der B. wird v.a. zur Preisauszeichnung verwendet, die an der Kasse von Scannern gelesen und addiert wird. + prikaži više

Balkencode · Streifenkode · Strichcode


muški rodračunari


muški rodračunari

(EAN-System)maschinenlesbare Aufdruck in Form verschieden dicker Balken auf Warenverpackungen, der Preis, Artikelnummer, Herstellerchiffre u.a. enthält und automat. Summieren und Lagerergänzung erlaubt.

Balkencode · Barcode · Streifenkode

Reč dana 08.09.2024.

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