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ETYM Old Fren. bacon, from Old High Germ. bacho, bahho, flitch of bacon, ham; akin to Eng. back. Related to Back the back side.
Back and sides of a hog salted and dried or smoked; usually sliced thin and fried.

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(politician) (1561-1626) English politician, philosopher, and essayist. He became Lord Chancellor 1618, and the same year confessed to bribe-taking, was fined Ł40,000 (which was later remitted by the king), and spent four days in the Tower of London. His works include Essays 1597, characterized by pith and brevity; The Advancement of Learning 1605, a seminal work discussing scientific method; Novum organum 1620, in which he redefined the task of natural science, seeing it as a means of empirical discovery and a method of increasing human power over nature; and The New Atlantis 1626, describing a utopian state in which scientific knowledge is systematically sought and exploited.
His writings helped to inspire the founding of the Royal Society.
(painter) (1909-1992) Irish painter. Self-taught, he practiced abstract art, then developed a stark Expressionist style characterized by distorted, blurred figures enclosed in loosely defined space. One of his best-known works is Study after Velázquez’s Portrait of Pope Innocent X 1953 (Museum of Modern Art, New York).
Bacon moved to London 1925, began to paint about 1930, and held his first show in London 1949. He destroyed much of his early work. Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion about 1944 (Tate Gallery, London) is an early example of his mature style, which is often seen as a powerful expression of the existential anxiety and nihilism of 20th-century life.
(1561-1626) Philosopher and essayist; founder of the modern scientific method based on observation and experimentation.

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(Maler) Francis, 1909, 1992, irischer Maler (alptraumhafte Porträts, die den Menschen wie in einem Zerrspiegel erscheinen lassen).Philosoph Francis, 1561, 1626, engl. Renaissancephilosoph u. Staatsmann; stieg zum Lordkanzler auf; wurde 1621 wegen Bestechlichkeit verurteilt u. später von Jakob I. begnadigt; Begründer des engl. Empirismus u. Theoretiker der Induktion, scharfsinniger Kritiker der Scholastik u. glänzender Essayist. Hptw.: »Novum Organon Scientiarum«. + prikaži više

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(c. 1214-1292) English philosopher and scientist. He was interested in alchemy, the biological and physical sciences, and magic. Many discoveries have been credited to him, including the magnifying lens. He foresaw the extensive use of gunpowder and mechanical automobiles, boats, and planes.
In 1266, at the invitation of his friend Pope Clement IV, he
began his Opus majus/Great Work, a compendium of all branches of knowledge. In 1268 he sent this with his Opus minus/Lesser Work and other writings to the pope. In 1277 Bacon was condemned and imprisoned by the Christian church for “certain novelties” (heresy) and not released until 1292.
Bacon was born in Somerset and educated at Oxford and Paris. He became a Franciscan monk and lectured in Paris about 1241–47, then at Oxford University. He described a hypothetical diving apparatus and some of the properties of gunpowder. He promoted the use of latitude and longitude in mapmaking, and suggested the changes necessary to improve the Western calendar that were carried out by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582.

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Roger, lat. R. Baco, 1214, 1294, engl. Franziskaner; wegen seiner umfassenden Kenntnisse doctor mirabilis genannt; Kritiker der theolog. Methodik seiner Zeit, die er unter Zugrundelegung naturwiss. Erkenntnisse zu reformieren suchte.

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(1647-1676) American colonial leader and wealthy plantation owner. An advocate of social reform in Virginia and an opponent of Governor William Berkeley, he gained wide public support and was proclaimed “General of Virginia”. In 1676 he organized Bacon’s Rebellion, forcing Berkeley to flee from the capital at Jamestown. Bacon’s sudden death ended the uprising but Berkeley was removed from power for his brutal treatment of the rebels.
Born in Suffolk, England, Bacon emigrated to Virginia 1673 and soon began making demands that frontier settlements be protected against Indian attacks. He led colonist forces in raids against local Indian tribes 1675.

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Money; specifically; money gained through employment or legislation — usually used in the phrase bring home the bacon.

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