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(1644-1718) English Quaker and founder of Pennsylvania, born in London. He joined the Quakers 1667 and was imprisoned several times for his beliefs. In 1681 he obtained a grant of land in America, in settlement of a debt owed by Charles II to his father, on which he established the colony of Pennsylvania as a refuge for the persecuted Quakers. Penn made religious tolerance a cornerstone of his administration of the colony. He maintained good relations with neighboring colonies and with the Indians in the area, but his utopian ideals were not successful for the most part.
In 1697 he presented a plan, never acted upon, for a union among the colonies. In 1701 he established, with his Charter of Privileges, a bicameral legislature as the government for Pennsylvania.

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William, 1644, 1718, engl. Quäker; wanderte nach Amerika aus u. erwarb für die in Europa verfolgten Quäker 1681 das Gebiet des heutigen Pennsylvania; gründete 1683 Philadelphia.

Penn | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(1917-) US fashion, advertising, portrait, editorial, and fine art photographer. In 1948 he made the first of many journeys to Africa and the Far East, resulting in a series of portrait photographs of local people, avoiding sophisticated technique.
He was associated for many years with Vogue magazine in the US.


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Irving, Bruder von 1), 16.6.1917, US-amerik. Photograph.

Penn | englesko - nemački rečnik



Borough in Pennsylvania (USA); zip code 15675.

Pen · Penn · Pennsylvania · University of Pennsylvania · William Penn

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