Middle East prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

Middle East | englesko - nemački rečnik

Middle East


The area around the eastern Mediterranean; from Turkey to North Africa and eastward to Iran; the site of such ancient civilizations as Phoenicia, Babylon, Egypt and the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity and Islam.
Indeterminate area now usually taken to include the Balkan States, Egypt, and SW Asia. Until the 1940s, this area was generally called the Near East, and the term Middle East referred to the area from Iran to Burma (now Myanmar).

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Mittlerer Osten

muški rodgeografija

Der im wesentl. von Afghanistan, Indien u. Pakistan eingenommene Raum zw. dem Nahen u. dem Fernen Osten. Im anglo-amerik. Sprachbereich versteht man unter Middle East dagegen die arab. Länder um den Pers. Golf bis nach Libyen (N-Afrika).

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Middle East

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