Heine prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

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(1797-1856) German Romantic poet and journalist. He wrote Reisebilder 1826–31, blending travel writing and satire, and Buch der Lieder/Book of Songs 1827. From 1831 he lived mainly in Paris, working as a correspondent for German newspapers and publishing Neue Gedichte/New Poems 1844. He excelled in both the Romantic lyric and satire. Schubert and Schumann set many of his lyrics to music.
In 1835 he headed a list of writers forbidden to publish in Germany. He contracted a spinal disease 1845 that confined him to his bed from 1848 until his death.

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Werke: Lyrik: »Buch der Lieder«, »Romanzero«; Versepen: »Atta Troll«, »Dtld. ein Wintermärchen«; Prosa: »Reisebilder«.

Heine | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(1812-1881) German mathematician who completed the formulation of the notion of uniform continuity. He subsequently provided a proof of the classic theorem on uniform continuity of continuous functions, which has since become known as Heine’s theorem.
Heine was born in Berlin and studied there and at Göttingen. In 1848, h
e was appointed professor at Halle University and remained there for the rest of his life.
Heine's theorem is sometimes known as the Heine–Borel theorem, because French mathematician Emile Borel formulated the covering property of uniform conformity, and proved it. Heine formulated the notion of uniform continuity and went on to prove the classic theorem of uniform continuity of continuous functions.
In all, Heine published more than 50 papers on mathematics. His specialty was spherical functions, Lamé functions, and Bessel functions. His Handbuch der Kugelfunctionen 1861 became the standard work on spherical functions for the next 50 years.

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