Havel prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

Havel | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(1936-) Czech dramatist and politician, president of Czechoslovakia 1989–92 and of the Czech Republic from 1993. His plays include The Garden Party 1963 and Largo Desolato 1985, about a dissident intellectual. Havel became widely known as a human-rights activist. He was imprisoned 1979–83 and again 1989 for support of Charter 77, a human-rights manifesto. As president of Czechoslovakia he sought to preserve a united republic, but resigned in recognition of the breakup of the federation 1992. In 1993 he became president of the newly independent Czech Republic.

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muški rodlično ime

Václav, 5.10.1936, tschech. Dramatiker u. Politiker; 1970–89 Publikationsverbot in der ÇSSR; seit 1979 mehrf. inhaftiert; 1989–92 Staats-Präs. der Tschechoslowakei, seit 1993 Staats-Präs. der Tschech. Republik; 1989 Friedenspreis des Dt. Buchhandels, 1991 Karlspreis.

Havel | englesko - nemački rečnik



River 212 miles (341 kilometers) NE Germany flowing SW through Berlin into the Elbe

Havel · Vaclav Havel

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